Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 in review

Wow – in 3 days it will be a new year and a new decade! I am shocked that these past 10 years have gone this fast…

This year has been a strange one. I’ve learned a lot this past year and needless to say, I’m going to take what I’ve learned and use it forever.

This year there has been some backstabbing, not only to me but to some important in my life. There has been badmouthing, and what makes me mad about that, is my son was the subject of some of this and that pissed me off to no end. What gives an adult the right to talk about someone else’s child? I am not going to go into detail, but I hope they’ve learned from their mistake. Liars – well…not only was I lied to but some others in my life were as well and it sucks when someone likes right to your face and then expect you to forgive and forget…well I did do some forgiving, but I will never forget, ever. Drama – plain and simple – the drama was surrounded by negative people and I’m glad to say that my drama has been gone since the end of summer and it feels great! I mean there’s been a little – but nothing so dramatic that it is going to piss me off, ha! Let’s see, I’ve had my ex contact me twice - funny! Made it to my 10 year wedding anniversary – lol. Kids made it to the 10th grade… :). Gained 2 new hats, NJROTC treasurer and VAC Secretary. Reconnected with some friends in NC & relived some memories and even reenacted a memory – shaving cream fight! Had a wonderful time at NASLL’s first annual Carni-ball – with some whipped cream too! Made new friends, got rid of some old ones who were a bit negative. Finally told people in my family how I felt and they still don’t get it.

I’m sure there’s more, but my memory sucks, but 2010 is going to be the beginning of a wonderful life for me, took me 37 years to figure out, but finally I did it!

I need to go and I think this is my last post of 2009, so look for me in 2010!

1 comment:

  1. I hope 2010 is way better for you... We start off with a blue moon, and blue moons mean : Time for reflections, changes and setting goals, wishes and hopes... Thats just normally when they appear :) NOW this year this special Moon also coincides with the celebration of New Year's Eve, which is always seen as a time to bid the past farewell and look with hope, anticipation and optimism to a brighter and better New Year.

    Soooo I think that this is a sign for those of us who want so badly for the coming year to be better than the past, I think it is the start of a wonderful year to come, wonderful changes and wishes coming true :) Just a lil hope and insight from your friendly PA witch hehe lol

    Love you and Happy new year... While reflecting... Thank you for still after several decades still being my friend Love you!!!
