Monday, December 14, 2009

Long Time No Blog…

Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted. Been busy I guess!

Let’s see…since my last post, just been busy with getting ready for the Holiday Season, and playing taxi to the kids!

RJ has been busy with NJROTC stuff at school. He had a drill meet a few weeks ago and I was able to watch it, it was phenomenal! I was very impressed with the drill team. No dropped weapons at all and it was very unique. He was doing wrestling then decided not to continue with it because of NJROTC, which keeps him busy.

Janie has been busy practicing her Cello and they had their Winter Concert last week and it was amazing. She is still involved with softball, but not as much since it is winter time. She finished up with her Cross Country stuff, whew!

Recently Janie drove to the mall and had a little fender bender, nothing bad and it was in the parking lot, so no damage, just some paint trading. She is okay and is back to driving.

Let’s see…oh Family! HA! I have to get this off my chest, just because I’m huge on family and no one in my family understands. I am 1 of 10 cousins, I have 4 who are older, and my older sister and 4 who are younger. I feel like I don’t have any cousins really, and that did upset me for a long time, until recently. I have many people in my life who I consider family. I have always wanted a large family, but I only have my 2 kids, but I’ve become mom to several others and that makes me feel good. I have friends who are close enough to me that I call my sisters/brothers, and my kids can call them aunts/uncles. I just wish that my dad and his siblings would get over whatever their issues are and talk. I would love to have a family reunion and get my aunts and uncle together and their kids and their kids. It would be fun to get to know my younger cousins and maybe show my older cousins that it is okay to claim me, not saying they don’t, but at least acknowledge the fact that I do exist. It’s all good though, like I said before, I have my friends who are more of my family to me!

2010 is around the corner and that means changes for me. I’ve said this 100 times before but this time I mean it. They are good changes, I think. My last post for 2009 will be my changes for 2010 and then I will start my new blog for 2010, This blog will still be up, because I may have to refer back to it, but I need a fresh start on my blog for 2010!

So for right now, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

1 comment:

  1. *HUGS* that all sounds awesome :)

    Busy tho with the kids, mine never liked sports much, Nick played baseball for a few years he was in the Majors when he ended up quiting cuz he wasnt real good at hitting and catching but could run like a bat outta hell, so he seriously ended up on the bench and a runner for the fat kids, he got discouraged and quit... Luke tried it and lasted 3 months haha, I want to try scoccer with Ethan but I have to find the time :( with work and stuff its hard...

    Family is funny that way, I have a huge family and 90% of them are not of blood... My sisters mom, Im pretty sure you met her way back, shes more my mom than my mom, its been her and her husbad who I now call my step dad tho he really isnt, who are lending me their van till I get my car worked out, my REAL mom, oh that sux hunny Im sorry I wish I could help, if you need a ride let me know, I call for a ride, oh hunny im sorry I cant... SOS UGH

    Blood means nothing its love that means it all :)

    And I love you and Im proud to call you my sister :) love ya miss ya and Im totally coming down this year already have a plan and as soon as Ethan is outta school were coming down fo 4-6 days, only plans are going to VA beach once to show the lil ones the real ocean, Im afraid to have them swim there, they will totally get pulled under...The OV and the beach there and to see you and maybe Iesha :) no other plans :) I cant wait ...

    Love you
