Monday, August 17, 2009

Drama free…

Nothing like a drama free weekend…

It was great…no issues…felt wonderful.

Hiatus from FB – that is what I’m taking. I posted something on FB this morning about it…I feel I spend WAY too much time on FB, so I’m going to take a break…even twitter, ha! *oops just posted a comment on FB, ha!*

I need to concentrate on other things going on, rather than posting on FB. J and R will be starting school in about…3 weeks and they need to get things together and get house together…

I need start on their rooms, painting, etc…also my ‘office’ I need to redo it NOW. I want to paint it, get a new desk, throw stuff away, put up pictures, etc…if I start tonight, I might be done by the end of December, ha! Kidding…I want to be done by end of September…

I need to get my bathroom and my wall fixed too – UGH! But right now we need to get another vehicle that should be fun…hopefully we don’t have to get one…to many issues to get a new one, well used, but new to us.

Well…off for now…



  1. Drama free is amazing :) I love it and I hope it stays this way for us both, I love you and I really wish that I was coming down this weekend, DAMN no money thing *SIGH* Love you

  2. I love the no drama thing too...its wonderful...I mean we've been out of HS for years, come on
