Monday, November 9, 2009


Well, let's see - my weekend was short...ha!  Friday night all I wanted to do was relax on my couch, got home, put on my PJ's and sat on the couch with my blanket and then my phone rings...I thought it was RJ, but instead it was a friend of his.  RJ had fell and hit his head at 7-11, so I drove up there, in my PJ's...the ambulance was called and we spent 6 hours at the friggin' hospital...the one I don't like...I wanted RJ to go to CHKD - but noooooooooo - he had to go to the closest one - ugh!  Anyway, they did a CT scan - came back normal, the doctor tried moving his neck and it hurt his back, so they did an MRI.  He has a protruding disc in lower back, which the doctor stated that it could be from another injury or that night, not sure. 

Saturday I did NOTHING!  I mean nothing.  Never left my house.  Sad.

Sunday - I cleaned, did laundry, went to the grocery store, burnt my pizza, had some wine, and watched my Chargers kick some Giants butt!

Such an exciting life I lead.


  1. Minus the head injury, doesnt sound so bad to me :) better than my weekend which was go to work come home play online watch movies go to work and repeat till monday morning :)

    Hows RJ feeling????

    *HUGS* Love you...

  2. Hey! RJ is better...he went back to wrestling that Tuesday - figures right, hard head! I need to update this thing...look for it this Sunday!!! Love ya!
