Monday, November 9, 2009


Well, let's see - my weekend was short...ha!  Friday night all I wanted to do was relax on my couch, got home, put on my PJ's and sat on the couch with my blanket and then my phone rings...I thought it was RJ, but instead it was a friend of his.  RJ had fell and hit his head at 7-11, so I drove up there, in my PJ's...the ambulance was called and we spent 6 hours at the friggin' hospital...the one I don't like...I wanted RJ to go to CHKD - but noooooooooo - he had to go to the closest one - ugh!  Anyway, they did a CT scan - came back normal, the doctor tried moving his neck and it hurt his back, so they did an MRI.  He has a protruding disc in lower back, which the doctor stated that it could be from another injury or that night, not sure. 

Saturday I did NOTHING!  I mean nothing.  Never left my house.  Sad.

Sunday - I cleaned, did laundry, went to the grocery store, burnt my pizza, had some wine, and watched my Chargers kick some Giants butt!

Such an exciting life I lead.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The mean The Kids (ha)

Today it’s about my kids…the joys of my life.


Words to describe her:
Big heart
Naïve (sometimes is a good thing)
Softball player


Words to describe him:
USMC (ugh)

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I wasn’t 100% sure what I wanted to write about today...then it hit me…


It’s funny when you get older the meaning of friendship changes from when you were a teenager. There are many people in my life, yes, but would I call them all ‘friends’? Not sure…I mean I talk to all of them, but there are a select few that I can actually count on to be there for me, no matter what. There are a select few that know more about me than my own husband (sad I know…ha, but he can’t know everything).

I have, I guess, different groups of friends, but they are my friends, no matter when I see them. I think of them often, even though I do not see them all the time. I have my daily friends, my softball friends, my ROTC friends, my POLAR PLUNGE friends. I love them all!

Yes - I’m going there and I want to apologize to my family (not like they read this, but just in case they do). My mom’s side of the family is small, just her and my aunt, and my aunt has no biological children of her own. My mom does have step-children, step-grandchildren and step-great grandchildren, but some don’t feel like real family. Now my dad’s side of the family – I’m in the middle. I have cousins who are older and younger than me; therefore I’m stuck in the middle. It’s like I’m either too young to talk to the older cousins or too old to talk to the younger ones. Funny that I have 5 of my cousins on FB, and nothing from them…sad I know. So, I’ve created my own family - they may not be biological, but I consider them my family. I’d like to be close my real family members, but I do not see that happening, so I’ll keep my other family members close! Not sure if it’s because my cousins do not live here, but that shouldn’t matter really, I’m still family.

So, to say the least I have a HUGE family!!!! I love it as well. I love the fact that my kids have people in their lives that they can confide in, if not me. I’m glad they have that and I’m glad to have these people that I care for in their lives…


Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Speaking of my ‘private’ blog, there are some post that I can see being available to all, but still a private blog. I read them all and had to laugh, WTH was I thinking that day I wrote some of them, funny!

Going back to post #1 – 2009, My Goals… well some I’ve been able to adhere to…
  1. Healthier – HA – took me 11 months…crazy
  2. Life – Thanks to FB, I’ve been able to keep in touch w/friends and rekindle some old friendships. Also I mentioned to get rid of the negative people in my life – let’s see – 1/2 way there- ha, seriously, the negativity that was possessing my life has either left on their own will, or I’m actually not entertaining the idea to speak to them like I use to…confused? Good! ha
  3. Photos – oh yeah…visit (need to upload most recent pics)
There are some other post that just discussed how I was feeling about certain things at that time, etc. I am keeping them private still…This blog, is open and I don’t care who reads it. If there is something I don’t want the world to read, then I will post to other blog!

So…this blog will be ending on 31 Dec 09…but I do have a new one already waiting in the wings… see, when I started this blog, I had to add 2009 to the end of it, cause letgolaughing was taken…so now I had to add 2009 to it, then I thought…well 2009 will be over, so I need one for 2010, so I created it!

Well that’s it for now…I hope to be more productive with this blog. A lot of my post may be random, but hey…that’s me!

also if you have a blog - I'd love to read it...if you don't - think about them - they are fun!



I really would like to know who actually reads this blog? I see that I have a few stalkers, er…um…I mean followers, but I wonder when I do post on FB, MS, etc., who actually reads this?

I started blogging 21 Dec 08, and that blog is private. I started venting and being real personal on it and chose not to have that public, so right now and forever its private. I haven’t posted to that blog since 5 Aug 09…

Anyway, just wondering if people actually read this thing or not, ha! If you do, leave me a note…


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

03 Nov 09 - ELECTION DAY!

Okay, so I've been slackin' again. Not too much has been going on since 19 Oct, just that I'm a year older and I had the flu - not the piggy kind either - ha! I had a good birthday, nothing special, but I'm alive and I have my family, so that is something special. I've done pretty well with my 'gift' to myself...let's see

Healthy - I have started walking and drinking water and etc...
Live each day - well I just do...never know what could happen
Happiness - so far so good - no complaints
Love - enough said :)

The forgiving of people - well I can tell you this, some people who are in my life have changed and not for the good really. Some of the things people have done (not kids...I'm talking GROWN people) has really made me look at them in a different way and makes me realize, I'm more grown then they are. It doesn't affect me personally, but it just makes me think that I need to get the negative out of my life, but these people have taken it upon themselves to do that on their own.

Well today is Election Day and let me tell you, I'm a bit disappointed...why - well back in November I stood in line for 2 hours to vote for President and today, I walked right in - do these people realize that VA is voting for a new Governor????

Anyway - J and R are doing well in school. They are waiting for Thanksgiving Break...silly kids, they will be in school forever - ha! D just found out he's going to a Redskins/Saints game in December and boy is he excited - no he's not a Skins Fan, he's a Saints Fan and let me tell you he rubs it in that they are undefeated! GOD HELP ME!

J didn't make districts for CC, she hurt her knee and then added 4 minutes on her time, but she stuck with it and we are proud of her. R is waiting for his first drill meet for NJROTC, so am I, I want to see what this school can do!

I may be ahead of myself, but I like to plan ahead, I want to have a St. Patrick's Day Party at my house after the OV Parade, and I can't wait! I'm a little early, about 4 months, but these things take time to plan!!!!

Well I just thought I'd post something short, just so you know I'm alive!!!!
