Thursday, November 5, 2009


I wasn’t 100% sure what I wanted to write about today...then it hit me…


It’s funny when you get older the meaning of friendship changes from when you were a teenager. There are many people in my life, yes, but would I call them all ‘friends’? Not sure…I mean I talk to all of them, but there are a select few that I can actually count on to be there for me, no matter what. There are a select few that know more about me than my own husband (sad I know…ha, but he can’t know everything).

I have, I guess, different groups of friends, but they are my friends, no matter when I see them. I think of them often, even though I do not see them all the time. I have my daily friends, my softball friends, my ROTC friends, my POLAR PLUNGE friends. I love them all!

Yes - I’m going there and I want to apologize to my family (not like they read this, but just in case they do). My mom’s side of the family is small, just her and my aunt, and my aunt has no biological children of her own. My mom does have step-children, step-grandchildren and step-great grandchildren, but some don’t feel like real family. Now my dad’s side of the family – I’m in the middle. I have cousins who are older and younger than me; therefore I’m stuck in the middle. It’s like I’m either too young to talk to the older cousins or too old to talk to the younger ones. Funny that I have 5 of my cousins on FB, and nothing from them…sad I know. So, I’ve created my own family - they may not be biological, but I consider them my family. I’d like to be close my real family members, but I do not see that happening, so I’ll keep my other family members close! Not sure if it’s because my cousins do not live here, but that shouldn’t matter really, I’m still family.

So, to say the least I have a HUGE family!!!! I love it as well. I love the fact that my kids have people in their lives that they can confide in, if not me. I’m glad they have that and I’m glad to have these people that I care for in their lives…


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