Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Speaking of my ‘private’ blog, there are some post that I can see being available to all, but still a private blog. I read them all and had to laugh, WTH was I thinking that day I wrote some of them, funny!

Going back to post #1 – 2009, My Goals… well some I’ve been able to adhere to…
  1. Healthier – HA – took me 11 months…crazy
  2. Life – Thanks to FB, I’ve been able to keep in touch w/friends and rekindle some old friendships. Also I mentioned to get rid of the negative people in my life – let’s see – 1/2 way there- ha, seriously, the negativity that was possessing my life has either left on their own will, or I’m actually not entertaining the idea to speak to them like I use to…confused? Good! ha
  3. Photos – oh yeah…visit (need to upload most recent pics)
There are some other post that just discussed how I was feeling about certain things at that time, etc. I am keeping them private still…This blog, is open and I don’t care who reads it. If there is something I don’t want the world to read, then I will post to other blog!

So…this blog will be ending on 31 Dec 09…but I do have a new one already waiting in the wings… see, when I started this blog, I had to add 2009 to the end of it, cause letgolaughing was taken…so now I had to add 2009 to it, then I thought…well 2009 will be over, so I need one for 2010, so I created it!

Well that’s it for now…I hope to be more productive with this blog. A lot of my post may be random, but hey…that’s me!

also if you have a blog - I'd love to read it...if you don't - think about them - they are fun!


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