Thursday, December 31, 2009

Countdown is on...

I am so ready for 2010...see ya later 2009...may you RIP! HA! Don't forget my new blog page for 2010... LGL2010 Be safe!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 in review

Wow – in 3 days it will be a new year and a new decade! I am shocked that these past 10 years have gone this fast…

This year has been a strange one. I’ve learned a lot this past year and needless to say, I’m going to take what I’ve learned and use it forever.

This year there has been some backstabbing, not only to me but to some important in my life. There has been badmouthing, and what makes me mad about that, is my son was the subject of some of this and that pissed me off to no end. What gives an adult the right to talk about someone else’s child? I am not going to go into detail, but I hope they’ve learned from their mistake. Liars – well…not only was I lied to but some others in my life were as well and it sucks when someone likes right to your face and then expect you to forgive and forget…well I did do some forgiving, but I will never forget, ever. Drama – plain and simple – the drama was surrounded by negative people and I’m glad to say that my drama has been gone since the end of summer and it feels great! I mean there’s been a little – but nothing so dramatic that it is going to piss me off, ha! Let’s see, I’ve had my ex contact me twice - funny! Made it to my 10 year wedding anniversary – lol. Kids made it to the 10th grade… :). Gained 2 new hats, NJROTC treasurer and VAC Secretary. Reconnected with some friends in NC & relived some memories and even reenacted a memory – shaving cream fight! Had a wonderful time at NASLL’s first annual Carni-ball – with some whipped cream too! Made new friends, got rid of some old ones who were a bit negative. Finally told people in my family how I felt and they still don’t get it.

I’m sure there’s more, but my memory sucks, but 2010 is going to be the beginning of a wonderful life for me, took me 37 years to figure out, but finally I did it!

I need to go and I think this is my last post of 2009, so look for me in 2010!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Long Time No Blog…

Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted. Been busy I guess!

Let’s see…since my last post, just been busy with getting ready for the Holiday Season, and playing taxi to the kids!

RJ has been busy with NJROTC stuff at school. He had a drill meet a few weeks ago and I was able to watch it, it was phenomenal! I was very impressed with the drill team. No dropped weapons at all and it was very unique. He was doing wrestling then decided not to continue with it because of NJROTC, which keeps him busy.

Janie has been busy practicing her Cello and they had their Winter Concert last week and it was amazing. She is still involved with softball, but not as much since it is winter time. She finished up with her Cross Country stuff, whew!

Recently Janie drove to the mall and had a little fender bender, nothing bad and it was in the parking lot, so no damage, just some paint trading. She is okay and is back to driving.

Let’s see…oh Family! HA! I have to get this off my chest, just because I’m huge on family and no one in my family understands. I am 1 of 10 cousins, I have 4 who are older, and my older sister and 4 who are younger. I feel like I don’t have any cousins really, and that did upset me for a long time, until recently. I have many people in my life who I consider family. I have always wanted a large family, but I only have my 2 kids, but I’ve become mom to several others and that makes me feel good. I have friends who are close enough to me that I call my sisters/brothers, and my kids can call them aunts/uncles. I just wish that my dad and his siblings would get over whatever their issues are and talk. I would love to have a family reunion and get my aunts and uncle together and their kids and their kids. It would be fun to get to know my younger cousins and maybe show my older cousins that it is okay to claim me, not saying they don’t, but at least acknowledge the fact that I do exist. It’s all good though, like I said before, I have my friends who are more of my family to me!

2010 is around the corner and that means changes for me. I’ve said this 100 times before but this time I mean it. They are good changes, I think. My last post for 2009 will be my changes for 2010 and then I will start my new blog for 2010, This blog will still be up, because I may have to refer back to it, but I need a fresh start on my blog for 2010!

So for right now, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Well, let's see - my weekend was short...ha!  Friday night all I wanted to do was relax on my couch, got home, put on my PJ's and sat on the couch with my blanket and then my phone rings...I thought it was RJ, but instead it was a friend of his.  RJ had fell and hit his head at 7-11, so I drove up there, in my PJ's...the ambulance was called and we spent 6 hours at the friggin' hospital...the one I don't like...I wanted RJ to go to CHKD - but noooooooooo - he had to go to the closest one - ugh!  Anyway, they did a CT scan - came back normal, the doctor tried moving his neck and it hurt his back, so they did an MRI.  He has a protruding disc in lower back, which the doctor stated that it could be from another injury or that night, not sure. 

Saturday I did NOTHING!  I mean nothing.  Never left my house.  Sad.

Sunday - I cleaned, did laundry, went to the grocery store, burnt my pizza, had some wine, and watched my Chargers kick some Giants butt!

Such an exciting life I lead.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The mean The Kids (ha)

Today it’s about my kids…the joys of my life.


Words to describe her:
Big heart
Naïve (sometimes is a good thing)
Softball player


Words to describe him:
USMC (ugh)

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I wasn’t 100% sure what I wanted to write about today...then it hit me…


It’s funny when you get older the meaning of friendship changes from when you were a teenager. There are many people in my life, yes, but would I call them all ‘friends’? Not sure…I mean I talk to all of them, but there are a select few that I can actually count on to be there for me, no matter what. There are a select few that know more about me than my own husband (sad I know…ha, but he can’t know everything).

I have, I guess, different groups of friends, but they are my friends, no matter when I see them. I think of them often, even though I do not see them all the time. I have my daily friends, my softball friends, my ROTC friends, my POLAR PLUNGE friends. I love them all!

Yes - I’m going there and I want to apologize to my family (not like they read this, but just in case they do). My mom’s side of the family is small, just her and my aunt, and my aunt has no biological children of her own. My mom does have step-children, step-grandchildren and step-great grandchildren, but some don’t feel like real family. Now my dad’s side of the family – I’m in the middle. I have cousins who are older and younger than me; therefore I’m stuck in the middle. It’s like I’m either too young to talk to the older cousins or too old to talk to the younger ones. Funny that I have 5 of my cousins on FB, and nothing from them…sad I know. So, I’ve created my own family - they may not be biological, but I consider them my family. I’d like to be close my real family members, but I do not see that happening, so I’ll keep my other family members close! Not sure if it’s because my cousins do not live here, but that shouldn’t matter really, I’m still family.

So, to say the least I have a HUGE family!!!! I love it as well. I love the fact that my kids have people in their lives that they can confide in, if not me. I’m glad they have that and I’m glad to have these people that I care for in their lives…


Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Speaking of my ‘private’ blog, there are some post that I can see being available to all, but still a private blog. I read them all and had to laugh, WTH was I thinking that day I wrote some of them, funny!

Going back to post #1 – 2009, My Goals… well some I’ve been able to adhere to…
  1. Healthier – HA – took me 11 months…crazy
  2. Life – Thanks to FB, I’ve been able to keep in touch w/friends and rekindle some old friendships. Also I mentioned to get rid of the negative people in my life – let’s see – 1/2 way there- ha, seriously, the negativity that was possessing my life has either left on their own will, or I’m actually not entertaining the idea to speak to them like I use to…confused? Good! ha
  3. Photos – oh yeah…visit (need to upload most recent pics)
There are some other post that just discussed how I was feeling about certain things at that time, etc. I am keeping them private still…This blog, is open and I don’t care who reads it. If there is something I don’t want the world to read, then I will post to other blog!

So…this blog will be ending on 31 Dec 09…but I do have a new one already waiting in the wings… see, when I started this blog, I had to add 2009 to the end of it, cause letgolaughing was taken…so now I had to add 2009 to it, then I thought…well 2009 will be over, so I need one for 2010, so I created it!

Well that’s it for now…I hope to be more productive with this blog. A lot of my post may be random, but hey…that’s me!

also if you have a blog - I'd love to read it...if you don't - think about them - they are fun!
