Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I haven't posted to my other blog, which is private, in awhile, which is a good thing, that means...DRAMA

I don't mind this one being open, cause if you really wanna know...ask either via post or email me it's that easy, but I'm not sure who all reads this stuff, but I enjoy writing about things.

I have started my hobby. If you wanna see, check out - I'm having fun. I've only took some of my kids recently, but I think they are is my fav:

I am going to print it out and hang it on my wall - LOVE IT!

I have another blog (i can I manage 4, 3 blogs), it's not too bad. Like I previous stated, I have one that is private, but the last time I updated that was 08.05.09...I have this one, my fotos one, and then there is the I AM...I CAN...I WILL one. That one, right now, is private, until I feel up to opening it up. It's about my weight, my being unhealthy, etc. I need to become healthy, but anywhoooooooooooooooooooooo...

I had a wonderful conversation with a real close friend last night about my kids. It was fun talking to her about them, because a few hours earlier I was at open house, I know...why do I go to a HS open house...All of R's teachers adore him...they love his personality, yes he has a great one, but it can also be dangerous. He reminds me alot of SD (sperm donar), which I don't care for, but they are the good reminders, not the bad ones. He doesn't have his bad attributes, thank goodness...I'd have to ship him off, so kidding, maybe. Anyway, L and I were talking about J & R, and a few of their friends, and how I adore them (some), and would do anything for them. We came to the conclusin that R is...well a clown, but can be serious at times, lazy, cause he's smart as a whip, but doesn't use his brain much, ha! He has a heart of gold as well. J, well she's finally learning to cut the cord (YAY FOR ME!) She's very sensative and doesn't deal with bad things very well. Just recently a good friend of J's father passed away and J became close with this family and I told her and boy oh boy. I didn't want to tell her, but I had to and it was hard for me to see her cry like that, but she is a strong girl, she will be fine!

Jealous much - well J is going to NYC for spring break 2010...She's going to see 2 of these 3 shows; Lion King, Wicked (we saw this here, but different on broadway), or Shrek, The Musical. She will attend a cast patey with the cast of one of the 2 shows, and will have dinner with them. She will take a guided tour of Lincoln Center and Rockefeller Center. She will also visit Chinatown, Times Square, Central Park and Battery Park...MOM WANTS TO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It will cost me 400$ to chaperone, so I think I will pay the 500$ and let J have the time of her life in NYC!

Enough posting for now...I am going to the middle of nowhere this weekend, so I will post when I return, unless something exciting happens between now and then (doubt it).


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