Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Strange Day...

WOW...the day is not over, but it has been one strange day. Let me start off by saying, I thought I was pregnant...why, well for the past 2 weeks I was having pregnancy symptoms, and this past weekend, they became more noticeable to me (won't go into detail). Well, I guess what I thought were pregnancy symptoms are new menstrual symptoms, that was the start of it. Then I get a phone call from my husband, and he confessed to something, I was mad, at first, then I couldn't be because he confessed, and then he told me some good news about work. The strangest thing...I have a facebook, who doesn't, and I received a new friend request...from the EX - WTH? It's a long story with him, I am not going into detail about it here, but I laughed when I saw it, I didn't accept or deny, I just sent him a message asking him to email me, we shall see if he does or not. I want to know what his intentions are, I mean I haven't seen him in 15 1/2 years. He did send me a message on FB back in March asking about THE KIDS (love it, he said the kids, not my kids, your kids, or their names, just the kids), well I replied, etc. I mean does he honestly think I'm going to say yes???? He had control of me back then, but 15 years later, I've grown up a little, I have zero feelings for him, so its not like I'm going to just let him back in my life at the drop of a hat. My kids are not his anymore, he gave them up, so he has to wait a few more years until they are 18 to see them, if they want to at that point. He sent the request at 11am, I sent him the message at 1145am, so its just a waiting game now, but I'm not going to sit at my computer and wait...he has NO control over me anymore, how can he?



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