Thursday, September 24, 2009


You knew it was coming...if you read the previous post.

I've had issues with some people in my life who I thought were my friends, now they are just people in my life. See some of the people did me wrong in one way or another, rather it had been very hurtful or not even worth thinking about, it was still a wrongdoing. One day, back in August, I forgave EVERYONE who ever hurt me and I emailed tons of people a little note stating my new outlook on life.

It goes back to this post. I received some replies, and of course the people who I knew wouldn't reply, didn't. Some responses I received (shortened and no names)...

Loves me and happy about new outlook
Told me how they use to judge people and when something happened to them, they stopped
Has always seen me as a great person
A few I love yous
A few proud of mes
Enjoys our friendship
Said I need a back deck night - hasn't happened...
A few supporters
Funny one - thought I was suicidal/depressed, not funny, funny, but funny (suicide is NOT funny)
Strong person
One person stated they wanted to start anew and forget all the ugly in the past, but funny how the last time I saw this person, they acted like I had the plague...whatever

So...I kind of know where I stand with some people in my life, but I can honestly say I can count on my 1 hand who I can 100% count on...and that is not a bad thing.

Another thing that I've learned - don't put yourself in the middle of drama - that is easy. Most of the drama revolves around teenagers - leave it with are is that? I walk away from crap, if people talk to me about things I don't want to know about, I tell them to stop or I just pretend to listen (great my secret is out, ha)

Anyway, I have a busy evening ahead, so I'll post again soon.


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