Tuesday, September 1, 2009


September – YAY! It actually feels like it outside too. It's nice and cool outside, feels wonderful. Look - LOVE THIS...


New month, new me, & new outlook (same outlook as before, but more now than before). I don't want the I don't give a F*** attitude, but I just want to leave the drama to the ones who cause it, know what I mean.
Last night took the kids school shopping and I managed to stay alive and so did they, amazingly. They so want to go back to school, so do I…not that they bother me, but I just want to know that they are doing something constructive.
I think the main reason I want school to start is so that the DRAMA can stop, not saying it won't, but it'll be new drama – ha!!!! But last year wasn't bad, and they'll be so busy with school work and sports and other activities that drama will be no where in sight – we hope.
Well let me get some work done now…ha!


1 comment:

  1. *HUGS* Im right there with you, if you read my blog you know what I mean Im doing the 3 strikes and your OUT, so over drama, its stupid and I just dont know why ppl OLDER than me insist on keeping it going...

    I love this being a boring old mom thing...tho sometimes its tough to do everything I want cuz of work and what not but its way better than before....

    Love you
