Thursday, September 24, 2009



Okay so call me a nerd…I was sitting at J’s school yesterday afternoon (5pm) thinking about this blog…told you – NERD! I was just jotting things down about what I could blog about – since I lead such a blah, bland and boring life, since DRAMA is gone (at least for now, but when drama does hit – I post to my private blog).

So, here is a list of things I may blog about, or not:

Kids – always – they are the coolest people in my life right now. They have dreams and goals that I would love to share!

Husband – well…not sure how often I will speak about him since all he does is wok, bowl, work, cook, work, laundry, work, did I mention work. He is a great man, husband and father.

Friends – some are cool, heroes, strange, supportive, have kids who I’d call as mine own, at times. I have some who may think they are my friends, but they are just in my life, is that mean? I mean recently I've forgiven all the people in my life...another blog...hmmmm...

Politics – uh…doubt it – why – well my views are just that…MINE! I don’t like it when people push their views on me, so why would I do it to you? I may, I said may, voice my opinion on a few things – but nothing major. The year there is not a big election – well sort of – Sheriff for the city I live in, which just so happens to be my hubby’s boss – HA – so – VOTE MCCABE!

Music – love all kids of music…it’s soothing.

Randoms – well of course, random things happen during the day, maybe.

If there are other things you’d like to see posted – lemme have it!


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